This event will be located in Camp Kettle Run in Medford, NJ. Right across the bridge from Philadelphia into New Jersey. Very convenient for anyone who wants to try live action roleplaying in Pennsylvania, Delaware, or New York.
Notable things about the May (or “Mais” as we call it in-game) LARP event:
Mais is the Month of Spring Flowers, and the realm explodes in color as the plants bloom. The air is filled with the scents of nature. In this month, the fish swim up the realm’s three great rivers to spawn upstream. It is considered a time of fertility.
There are many cultures that have holidays revolving around the preparations for planting crops. Some of these, like the seed spreading ceremonies of the Dale, are large communal gatherings of song and dance. Other holidays are religious in nature, like the Giovy worship of Amora the goddess of love and fertility or the low elf celebrations of Eveya.
In the spring communities all over the realm come together to celebrate the start of the growing season. Among the many activities is the ancient ceremony of raising the spring pole where participants weave ribbons around the shaft of a tall pole.