This event will be located in Camp Kettle Run in Medford, NJ. Right across the bridge from Philadelphia into New Jersey. Very convenient for anyone who wants to try live action roleplaying in Pennsylvania, Delaware, or New York.
Notable things about the August (or “Augis” as we call it in-game) LARP event:
Augis is the month of Parched Earth. The hot days in the beginning of Augis quickly give way to pleasant days and cooler nights. The apples in Holt are beginning to ripen. The stalks of corn in the Dale are tall and green. The grain and wheat fields of Lundelle are almost ready for harvest.
Augis is the month of faith, belief, and conviction. It’s long been a time when oaths are reaffirmed and religious rites are renewed. In the nations with monarchs, lesser nobles pay homage to greater nobles, and all reaffirm their fealty to their king or queen. There are many minor religious holidays and most center around the renewal of faith. People attend special religious services and make offerings on altars.
This brutal game was invented near the start of the Age of Death and became an instant success among the orc overlords. The traditional ball was the bladder of a dragon, usually causing electric, heat, or cold damage. The first world championship was held in Evermoore where the local Evermoore team beat the orc national team. Local Blood Ball championships are still held throughout the realm, especially in the Orc Empire. There is no longer national or world championships, but winning teams will often meet at Guildhall Inns to settle rivalries.