This event will be located in Camp Kettle Run in Medford, NJ. Right across the bridge from Philadelphia into New Jersey. Very convenient for anyone who wants to try live action roleplaying in Pennsylvania, Delaware, or New York.
Notable things about the November (or “Novis” as we call it in-game) LARP event:
Novis is the month of Falling Leaves. The beginning of the month is spent in a rush to harvest the last of the crops. The latter half of the month is spent making the final preparations for winter.
Novis is the month of giving thanks for all the good things in a person’s life. This custom began in the Age of Life when people made a pilgrimage to Evermoore and gave gifts to the Five and the Five-Sworn for creating and maintaining the realm. This practice ended during the Age of Death and the practice morphed into the present day practice of giving personal thanks for your blessings.
The Way of the Five encouraged rule by elected leaders. Traditionally, the elections were held in Novis so a community would have fresh leaders to get them through the hardships of winter. Guildhall holds official elections in Novis.
The masquerade ball begins in late evening and everyone who attends wears sculpted masks made of porcelain, paper-mache, leather, feathers or similar material.