This event will be located in Camp Kettle Run in Medford, NJ. Right across the bridge from Philadelphia into New Jersey. Very convenient for anyone who wants to try live action roleplaying in Pennsylvania, Delaware, or New York.
Notable things about the September (or “Septis” as we call it in-game) LARP event:
Septis is the month of Bountiful Harvests. As crops ripen and the harvest begins, the days grow shorter and the nights longer. This is the time to repair the house; fixing the roof or sealing drafty doors and windows. In Septis, birds begin their migration southward to the Ansaki Fens and animals begin preparations for hibernation.
Burrow Day began in the Hollow Hills, but quickly spread throughout the world. Everyone knows that throughout the year weetles collect items, and their burrows can become quite crowded with junk. On Burrow Day, weetles drag everything they don’t want out of their burrow and display it for sale to others. Weetle towns arrange their Burrow Days so as not to overlap, so one town sells while the others buy. This celebration of community has been adopted throughout the realm, and Septis is a month of yard sales and shopping sprees.
This tradition marks the beginning of the fall season, and the start of the harvest. It is a celebration marked by song and dance, along with games. Traditional games include sack races, fishing contests, seed spitting, ring tosses, and baking contests.
The Equinoxes are especially sacred to followers of the Way of the Five who come together on these days to honor the Five by visiting local holy sites. During the Fall Equinox, Solnus can be seen in the bal-
ance between day and night. Karthis makes himself known in that this balance lasts for one night only and soon day and night will be unequal and changing again. And Natallis is readying her creatures for the long winter sleep.
Almost every community has a harvest dance during the month of Septis. The dance includes traditional folk dances and has a rustic, back-woodsy feel. The square dance is often performed as the highlight of the festivities.