Mystic realms
Glory of GuildhallHigh Fantasy
Glory of Guildhall
Two thousand years ago the realm was torn asunder as the peaceful rule of the Five Old Gods was ended by the New Gods and their armies. For a millennia the world bled, enslaved under the yoke of tyranny, exposed to corrupted flows of magic, suffering storms, plagues and famine, their plight seeming hopeless, in the face of a world gone mad.
Then, a beacon of hope, a glimmer of order in the shadow, a group of heros dedicated to restoring the realm formed an organization known as Guildhall, composed of thirteen Guilds: Artisans, Alchemists, Bards, Cavaliers, Clerics, Druids, Necromancers, Rangers, Rogues, Runecasters, Warlocks, Warriors and Wizards. Each guild possessing their own unique set of magical skills.

The heros of Guildhall fought the New Gods and their armies, ending the tyranny, purifying the flows of mana, and brought peace to the world. The Age of Death was declared ended, and a new Age begun. This is our Age, the Fourth Age, known most often as the Age of Guildhall or the Age of Order, and sometimes by the religious among us as the Age of Solnus.
We live in a time of peace and prosperity under the protection of Guildhall. Members of Guildhall are called Guildsmen, and only they can wield the power of magic. They are devoted to a way of life that values cooperation, fraternity and mutual respect. They are champions of right and defenders of morality.
But there is a great danger, the prophecies tell that the Fifth Age, also called the Age of Karthis or the Age of Chaos, is coming and it will be the end of all we love. Karthis, the god of chaos will return to wreak his vengeance. The realm will be consumed in fire and flame and all that was will be but a distant memory.
The Glory of Guildhall is the story of heros struggling to keep their world in the Age of Order. As great nations rise eclipsing the power of Guildhall, as New Gods return gathering new armies to their faiths, as commoners rise up in greed and avarice, as the world teeters on the brink of destruction, Guildhall struggles alone, against the world, to keep the Age from turning.

The Glory of Guildhall Realm History
The Awakening
In the beginning there were five elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit. These five elements swirled into individual consciousness. They took individual names and forms, but collectively they were known simply as the Five Gods. Later, they were called the Old Gods.
Natallis: Earth became Natallis. She gave the world Nature.
Lumina: Air became Lumina. She gave the world Life.
Noctis: Spirit became Noctis. He gave the world Death.
Solnus: Water became Solnus. He gave the world Order.
Karthis: Fire became Karthis. He gave the world Chaos.
World Creation
After eons of nothingness, Natallis conceived the idea of filling the empty void in which the Five existed. She convinced the others to aid her in the creation of a realm where the Five could give physical form to all they conceive.
Solnus and Karthis were as different as fire and water, but were connected by the unbreakable bonds of sibling love. Solnus offered the laws of the universe; physics, mathematics and gave consistency to her dream. Karthis, offering change, varied the laws just enough so that everything was unique in its own right.
Lumina and Noctis were lovers. She offered the idea of a sun and day light. He suggested a period of darkness lit by a silvery moon. Together they designed the sunset and sunrise making these beautiful to behold as a special time for lovers. Lumina and Noctis, working together, gave the world its greatest gift, the cycle of life and death.
Solnus created the oceans and rose the earth from its depths. Karthis shaped majestic mountains which Solnus covered in snow; Karthis carved valleys which Solnus filled with lakes and streams. Karthis created a swirling desert of ever-changing sands. He made storms that caused lightning to strike and thunder to rumble. He let the rain fall in torrents and made every snowflake different. Solnus formed minerals, gems and precious metals.
Natallis created flowers, forests and grass-covered prairies. She filled the skies with birds and the oceans with fish. The forests and prairies were filled with animals. The realm was suffused with the sounds of life.
The Five Ages
When the realm was created it was determined that there would be five ages, and after the Fifth Age the world would end. Each age corresponds to one of the elemental forces that comprise the world. Since each of the Five contributed that elemental force, the Ages are sometimes called by the name of the God to which they are most closely related.
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Age of Nature
The First Age has been called the Age of Nature. In this time the Five came to live among their children in the Garden of the Gods, which was on the highest peak in what was later to be called the Forlorne Mountains. During the Age of Nature life was peaceful.
The first age was a time of great learning. The Five wished to share their knowledge and powers with their children. They preached the Way of the Five, the first religion of the realm which taught all to believe in balance and to live in love with each other and the world of nature. It mandated that all conflicts be resolved by verbal discourse with an equitable decision reached by compromise. Violence was unknown and crime was nonexistent. It was a time of plenty where all were content.
It was in this age the Five began to teach those who could manipulate the power of mana. These blessed few were called the Five-Sworn and they took an oath to the Five promising to forever protect the realm. For their oath, the spirits of the Five-Sworn were bound to the realm and would be reborn every thousand years to ensure the world was in its proper age.
By the end of the Age of Nature, the people of the realm had grown too numerous to remain in the Garden of the Gods and so it was decided that they should go forth into the realm. One by one the races left the Garden to make homes out in the world.
The Age of Nature was declared ended as the cities of greater beings rose up in the world. Fields were plowed, animals were domesticated and the world was full of life.
Age of Life
The Second Age has been called the Age of Life. The traditional starting point for the Age is the wedding of Noctis and Lumia and the building of the City of Evermoore as a wedding gift by the brothers, Karthis and Solnus.
During this Age, the Five-Sworn traveled the realm helping all those in need, settling disputes, and keeping the laws so that all people could continue to live in peace.
At the greatest point of the Age of Life, Noctis and Lumina were crowned the Lord and Lady of the realm. From Evermoore Noctis and Lumnia ruled the nations of the realm.
The Age of Life promised an eternity in a world without crime, war or needless death. For a time the dream was a reality, but somehow the dream faltered. The Way of the Five was discarded by many who sought to rule themselves with their own codes, faiths and ideologies. The peace of the realm could not be kept and the age ended in bloodshed and war.
Age of Death
The Third Age has been called the Age of Death. The beginning of the Third Age is marked by the fall of Evermoore. It was a time of tremulous upheaval and world change for the worst. Grotar had a plan to rule the realm and dispensing of the Five was merely the first step. It was not until the Fist of Grotar smashed the realm and plunged it into the Seven Days of Darkness that this horror was truly realized.
The Age of Death was a dreadful time for the realm, millions died in storms of magic, in the barbaric wars raged by the Orcs, and because of famine and plague. Mana nodes and flow became corrupted by the hate and harms. Nature changes, plants came alive and gained sentience, beasts changed developed powers and insects grew to enormous sizes.
After too many terrible years, the first step toward ending the Age of Death occurred when a group of adventurers gathered in Evermoore to research and reorganize the teachings of the Five. As their numbers grew these heroes, united into the League of Guilds which later became Guildhall.
After one thousand years of war, famine, and death, a renaissance began with the founding of Guildhall and the introduction of thirteen Guilds into the realm.
Age of Order
The Fourth Age is called the Age of Order, or more commonly the Age of Guildhall. The founding of Guildhall marked the beginning of the Fourth Age.
Guildhall helped to reestablish the territories, which had existed before the Age of Death and dispersed peace throughout the world. With the spread of peace came increased trade. The masters of the guilds, as they predicted, became wealthy beyond their dreams. As the realm was ordered, other races were allowed to join the guilds. The last to be admitted were the Orcs.
Age of Chaos
The Fifth and Final Age will be called the Age of Chaos, an age of ultimate entropy and complete destruction, the absolute end of the realm, a time when the Five take back all the effort they gave into creating the world.
The prophets say that the Age of Chaos will not be marked by any great event, but instead the Guildsmen will look around and realized that the world they ordered had been disordered by them.
Divided and alone, with their great halls empty, there will be too few Guildsmen to continue. And as the Age of Order turns to Chaos, they will wonder why the great dream died and only after it is gone will they realize that they were the ones who allowed Guildhall to be destroyed.
The prophets have seen that the Age of Chaos will be heralded by the Guildsmen themselves. “When brother turns on brother for reasons of nation, faith or folly, so shall the great hall fall.” Just as in the end of Evermoore, there will be a few who covet power to themselves at the expense of others, and these few will cause the fractures that will cause the hall to crumble. With empty promises and blatant lies, with constant criticism and negative cries the rabble-rousers will end the Glory of Guildhall, just as the shattered the crystal city.
But when the Age of Order ends, there will be nothing thereafter. Magic will fade from the world and lore will be lost. And then in the final days of the world, Karthis, the god of chaos and fire, will return at the forefront of his great army to wreak his vengeance on the world that betrayed the Way of the Five.
The realm will be consumed in fire and flame, as a book tossed burning in the trash, the dream that was will be no more, and soon everything great that was thrown away will be nothing, but a distant memory.
Guilds of Guildhall
Thirteen Guilds comprise Guildhall. Each Guild has its own special skills, its own idiosyncrasies and politics, but they mesh together and balance with each other bonded in their devotion to Guildhall and the knowledge that only through their unity can they preserve the realm.
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Alchemists seek to understand the essence of existence. They are philosophers, physicians, and naturalists whose studies allows them a diverse set of skills. In battle, they use their magical compounds to disable or destroy their enemies, or to enhance and augment their allies. Other Guilds stereotype Alchemists as more involved in their studies than the outside world; Alchemists reply that their theories and notations afford them a greater understanding of the world.
Artisans are builders who fashion and upgrade items. They are experts in construction, engineering and manufacturing. In battle, they can remain behind the lines fashioning weapons and mending equipment. However, if the front line falls, the artisans are formidable fighters. Other Guilds stereotype Artisans as devoted more to the aesthetics of their creations than the practicality of their use; Artisans reply that functionality itself should be beautiful.
Bards are entertainers. They manipulate the world through song and create spectacular effects with their voice. In battle, bards can rely on their fighting skills as well as their powers to manipulate sound energy and control the minds of others. Other Guilds stereotype Bards as carousers; Bards reply with a smile, a little laugh and maybe a sip of wine.
Clerics lead the worshipers. They provide religious services and guidance for the followers of their faith. In battles, clerics are often healers, but should the situation warrant they can use their prayers to call down the awesome power of their god. Other Guilds stereotype Clerics as controlling; Clerics reply that faith is its own reward.
Cavaliers command armies, leading divergent groups of Guildsmen to protect the tenets of Guildhall. They specialize in the tactics and strategy that mean the difference between victory and death. In battle, the Cavaliers are often the leaders. Other Guilds stereotype Cavaliers as glory hounds; Cavaliers reply that victory brings glory to all Guildhall.
Necromancers are skilled in dealing with death. Their admission into Guildhall was of necessity, for they have the power to raise corpses into undead servants. The necromancers are fond of saying, “if the armies of Guildhall fail in life, then they will triumph in death.” Necromancers also have offensive spells that disable their enemies by defeating life energies. In battle, it is the traditional task of the necromancer to raise and control the corpses of both friend and foe to fight for the cause. Other Guilds stereotype Necromancers as disloyal; Necromancers reply “We are the loyalist Guild, by necessity of course, because if Guildhall should fall the Commoners would hunt us to extinction so it’s in the Necromancer’s best interest to preserve Guildhall.”
Druids are skilled in dealing with the natural world. They are shamans of the earth, sky and water. They can heal, restore injured limbs and resurrect corpses. In battle, Druids are often scouts slipping through the woods, but its just as common to find them helping just behind the front lines. Other Guilds stereotype Druids as being overly concerned with the natural world; Druids reply that keeping nature in balance preserves the world.
Rangers are woodsmen who develop extraordinary skills in dealing with terrain and beasts. In battle, they specialize in ranged weapons and are the chief scouts who gather information and report it back to the leaders. Other Guilds stereotype Rangers as loners and individualists; Rangers reply that each person should be self-sufficient so the person can better serve the group.
Rogues are the stealthy agents of Guildhall, dashing covert operatives who can be found at every level of commoner government. They are highly skilled, well-connected individuals whose aptitude for espionage enable them to gather influence, broker power and negotiate backroom deals. They are not thieves or murderers and vehemently resent such accusations. In battle, they most often work alone or in small groups undermining the enemy. Other Guilds stereotype Rogues as untrustworthy; Rogues reply that trust is earned.

Runecasters deal with fate and destiny. They scribe runes that provide protection from many dangers. In battle, there is equal chance they may be found in the rear, drawing runes, or fighting on the front lines. Other Guilds stereotype Runecasters as meddling in destiny; Runecasters reply that foreknowledge is forewarned.
Warlocks are the perfect balance of battle magic and melee fighting. Steeped in mystery and suffused by magic they’re a close knit Guild, dedicated to destruction. In battle, Warlocks are on the front lines fighting side by side with the troops, using their powerful skills to destroy the enemy. Other Guilds stereotype Warlocks as aggressive, secretive, and ritualistic; Warlock are too busy attending their clandestine meetings to reply.
Warriors are the embodiment of combat prowess. They can learn to use almost any weapon and the sheer number of powerful combat feats can overwhelm any defender. They have been known to shrug off the effects of magic and use their massive blows to rend through the thickest armor. In battle, the Warriors are the ones who often carry the day. Rarely getting the glory, they are the first to fight and the first to die, but on their backs every victory is carried. Other Guilds stereotype Warriors as being dumb lugs; Warriors don’t have to reply, because no one dares tell them this to their face.
Wizards are all-purpose spell casters and enchanters. They have varied spells focusing on mind control, mana manipulation and immobilization. In battle, wizards may use their spells against their enemies, augmenting them with their powerful magical feats. Other Guilds stereotype Wizards as intellectuals with little common sense; Wizards reply that thinking on a higher intellectual plane often means that others will misunderstand your thoughts.
Beings of the Realm
The Five viewed the world with fascination, but each wanted to give more of themselves to the world. They desired to create beings who could feel, reason, remember and communicate. The Five working in pairs created the first beings, but all were lacking in some capacity and became know as lesser beings. Lesser beings consist of Cycops, Goblins, Gremlins, Kravynn, Ogres, Trolls, and Tibbyrs.
Greater Beings
After the Five, acting in pairs, failed to create a race of beings in their image, Lumina suggested that they share equally of themselves and attempt to forge a perfect being. Under Lumina’s guidance, the Five joined together to create a race of mortal beings having equal parts of all five of the elements. This race was called the humans.
The gods were happy and they rejoiced for a time, but each still felt the world was lacking. The realm was so big and could hold so much more, so the five gods agreed to create additional races which each possessed varying attributes of each. These new races were vastly different from the Five in both form and temperament.
Collectively these are called greater beings because each of these beings was self sufficient, inventive and adaptive to their environment. They possessed the ability to reason and develop distinct individual personalities.
Beardon: The Beardons appear similar to Humans except that they have three to five ridges on the bridge of their nose and both males and females are distinguished by the presence of facial hair on the chin and cheeks. The Five contributed to the creation of the beardÌons in the following order: Solnus, Natallis, Lumina, Noctis, Karthis.
Elf: An elf looks very much like a normal Human with pointed ears. The Five contributed to the creation of the Elves in the following order; Lumina, Solnus, Natallis, Karthis, Noctis.
Human: Humans are the most numerous beings in the Realm of the Five. Each of the Five contributed equally to the creation of the Humans.
Klacton: Evolved Klactons are beings with chiton covered bodies. They have four appendages, two arms and two legs, but their torso is a carapace. Their insect-like heads are chiton covered and their faces match the color of their carapaces. The Five contributed to the creation of the Klactons in the following order: Solnus, Natallis, Noctis, Lumina, Karthis.
Minotaur: Minotaurs have fur and bovine facial features. Two sturdy horns grow from either side of their forehead. The Five contributed to the creation of the Minotaurs in the following order: Noctis, Lumina, Natallis, Solnus, Karthis
Orc: Orcs have a physique similar to humans except that they are green-skinned and generally more muscular. The Five contributed to the creation of the Orcs in the following order: Noctis, Karthis, Solnus, Natallis, Lumina.
Pythian: Despite their lizard-like appearance, Pythians are warm-blooded humanoids who walk upright as humans do. Their bodies are covered with greenish scales and they have a lizard-like tail. Their body hair is brightly colored, most often, red, purple, or blue. The Five contributed to the creation of the Pythians in the following order: Natallis, Solnus, Noctis, Lumina, Karthis.
Rakkarin: Rakkarins are cat humanoids. Their bodies are covered with short fine fur, the color and patterns of which depend on the particular culture of the rakkarin. Rakkarin faces appear more catlike than human and also reflect their culture. The Five contributed to the creation of the rakkarrins in the following order: Natallis, Karthis, Lumina, Noctis, Solnus.
Weetle: Weetles are humanoid beings, with shiny black noses and whiskers on an otherwise human-looking face. Extending from their lumbar region is a long vestigial tail. The Five contributed to the creation of the Weetles in the following order: Karthis, Natallis, Solnus, Lumina and Noctis.
Culture Descriptions
Elves are a cultured people, advanced and dignified in all aspects. Their society is full of heritage and ancient wisdom. They tie themselves to these traditions, keeping them alive through the ages. Whether these customs are simple stories or complex dances, they remain almost unchanged as they are passed down through the generations.
Throughout the ages the Elves had organized themselves into a caste system. At the end of the Age of Life a civil war redefined the castes which evolved into four distinct races.
The victorious Elves became the ruling class known as High Elves. Those defeated in the Elven homeland broke into two factions. The Deep Elves accepted banishment, but the goddess Eveya interceded. She cast a powerful ceremony and used her essence to create a home for the Deep Elves under the roots of the trees they loved so dearly. The Low Elves, unable to bear separation from their forest home, agreed to remain in the homelands and become the working classes. Those Elves who had refused to war on their brethren and left the homelands on forested ships became known as the Sea Elves.
In 1006 Age of Order the Deep Elves started a second civil war in an attempt to rule over the Elder Trees Valley. The conflict was short and changed the elven government to a democratic system where all Elves were represented.
After so much fighting it turned out that most Elves did not want to give up the way they lived. The High and Low Elves shared the valley, welcoming any elf who wished to settle within, but most Deep Elves decided to return to the Underrealm and most Sea Elves returned to the ocean. The only difference in the culture is that now all consider themselves united as one Elven people with four very separate ways of life.
Elves have always prized the bow. When they split into four cultures, the Deep Elves needed a small hand weapon to use in the Underrealm and they favored a metal hand crossbow with decorative designs etched into the metal. The High and Low Elves retained the use of the more traditional single stave wooden bow with decorative designs and colored grips. The Sea Elves, who need to defend their ships, chose to specialize in the use of the light ballista with decorative designs. The mounted crossbows are often made from the bones and sinew of great sea mammals.
A Deep Elf hand crossbow has at least a 15 inch shaft with a 10 inch bow.
A High Elf bow is at least 50 inches long.
A Low Elf bow is at least 50 inches long.
A Sea Elf light ballista is at least 50 inches long, 35 inches wide, and stands at least 35 inches tall.
All Elves have pointed ears and have intricate fine-lined designs on their upper cheeks and/or around their eyes. They are magical markings that became a permanent part of Elven culture in the Age of Death. The color demotes the cultural division of the elf. Deep Elves have black, High Elves have silver, Low Elves have brown, and Sea Elves have blue markings.
The ears must be made pointed through the use of costume accessory, prosthesis, or alternate method that clearly demonstrate a difference between a Human ear and an Elf ear. The Elf ear must appear to be a normal extension of flesh and cannot appear as jewelry.
Beardons are a highly intelligent race devoted to invention and construction. They are excellent engineers, craftsmen, miners, metal smiths and builders of ingenious devices. While most Beardons are content with this lifestyle, there are those Beardons who are prone to fits of rage. These Beardons are unable to spend countless hours undertaking the tedious endeavors so beloved by the majority of their race.
The Beardon people are lead by a group of ancient city kings who can trace their lineage back to the time of the Five. These kings appoint all government officials, including judges and military leaders for their cities. The kings meet each year to discuss issues of national importance.
All of the Beardon professions have their own trade societies and democratically elected leadership. The mining and crafting professions have the most power, but all professions are represented in trade councils that govern the economic policies of each city.
The Beardon war hammer is the weapon of choice. The mining and crafting Beardon use the hammer in everyday work, while the rager Beardon specialize in combat. The hammer is made entirely out of metal and is a double-headed war hammer with two cylindrical hammerheads on either side of the metal shaft.
War hammers can be used 1 or 2 handed, are 35 – 45 inches in total length with a 10 – 12 inch long hand grip. The striking head is 10 – 15 inches in diameter.
Beardons have human facial structure with human-like flesh tones and hair coloring. Three to five ridges run across the bridge of the nose from cheek to cheek appearing as brown grooves, some deeper than others. All Beardons, male and female, have a growth of hair on their cheeks and chin.
The nose-ridges may be drawn with brown make-up or modeled with prosthesis and colored. The facial hair may be natural or a costume accessory, but must be of a noticeable length.
The vast differences between human cultures makes it difficult to describe humanity in a general nature. While other races have general history, humans defy generalization. Because of their diversity there are humans which exist by eating the flesh of their enemies, humans who have developed an industrial society filled with corruption and decadence, humans who have built a peaceful farming nation which fails to maintain its own military, humans who live in the desert and have devoted their culture to avenging deeds done to their people two thousand years before, and humans with a society based on the worship of a multitude of gods the most powerful of which is determined by success in the gladiatorial pit.
Each culture has its own unique historical perspective and maintains its own individual governments and social structure. Each culture must be described in turn as generalizations are impossible.
Finally, the diversification of humanity is so great that it is possible for a human character to be devoid of culture. A human that moves around a lot or who has not been raised as a member of a particular belief system, would be lacking in culture. These humans are known as generic humans. They have no culture, no cultural skills and no costume requirements. However, generic humans must be careful not to confuse participants by adopting the costume requirements or accents of any specific culture. Generic humans should be visible as what they are, persons lacking in a particular culture.
Ancient Path (Human)
The Followers, as they call themselves, practice a religion known as the Ancient Path, which commands them to, “Be as the beasts and live as they dwell.” To outsiders they appear wild and animal-like. Some would even say they were downright uncivilized, but this would be inaccurate. Although they emulate beasts, they have a rich and unique culture which has allowed them to exist as an unconquered people for thousands of years.
The traditional weapon of the Ancient Path is a wooden war club. The weapon has an animal imagery depicted near the handgrip. Usually, the totem animal of the wielder or designs of claws, talons and such.
A war club can be used 1 or 2 handed and is 35 – 45 inches in total length, with a 10 – 12 inch hand grip.
Followers of the Ancient Path dress to emulate animals. They wear fur tabards, animal skin trousers and animal-fur headdresses. They often adorn their bodies with spiral tattoos. Their jewelry is primitive, often made of bones or obsidian. Armor is manufactured from animal bones; overlapped rib bones serve as breast plates, while skulls protect the shoulders. Helmets are often carved from the skulls of giant beasts. Weapons are usually made of stone and fire hardened wood, but ancient path followers will use iron weapons when available.
Asgarn (Human)
The Asgarns are seafaring traders and sometimes raiders. They inhabit the coastal regions of the island that bears their name.
The traditional weapon of the Asgarn is the Asgarn war ax, a double-headed war ax with narrow heads, and long bearded blades.
A war axe can be used one or two handed. It is 35 – 45 inches in total length with a 10 – 12 inch hand grip. The axe heads are 10 – 15 inches in size.
Asgarns wear long tunics with elaborately embroidered hems and neck lines. Their legs are covered by wool breeches and high leather boots to keep out the sea water. Heavy, hooded wool cloaks are common. The colors of their clothing are solid earthy tones, mostly greens, reds and browns. Their helmets are often conical with riveted bands, and they prefer chainmail armor and iron weapons.
Andor (Human)
The people of Andor are proud and place great weight on their royalty. Their nobility are refined, well dressed and quite wealthy. The peasants are content and live well.
The traditional weapon learned by many andorians is the rapier. The rapier is a sword with a straight blade and a swept or basket-like hilt.
A rapier is 30 – 40 inches in total length with a 5-6 inch hand grip.
Andorians wear white shirts with full sleeves, pants and short vests, doublets or musketeer tunics. They speak with a Modern Earth French accent.
Karthydian (Human)
Karthydians are found in the Karthydian desert. The desert was named after the god of Chaos. Life in the desert is hard and its people have grown strong. Limited resources and stiff competition ensures that the Karthydian people are a hearty culture. They place great emphasis on family lineage and live by clan groups.
Karthydians favor a slashing style of swordplay and their cultural weapon of choice is the scimitar which is a sword with a slight curved blade and a single hand guard small cross brace.
A sword is 30 – 40 inches in total length with a 5 – 6 inch hand grip. Curved weapons are allowed one curve.
All Karthydians must dress in light colored desert garments, except traditional Karthydians who must wear either all black or all red.
Coventry (Human)
The people of Coventry are mostly poor and much of their effort is spent attempting to better their lot in life. However, the corporations which run the whole of Coventry make it impossible for the average person to escape the slums and workhouses which he is born into.
The people of Coventry always have small knives on their persons. Most learn to throw these knives at an early age. The Coventry throwing knife is a small balanced thrown weapon marked with the owner’s initials.
Small throwing weapons are 4 – 8 inches in size.
The men and women of Coventry dress in dark clothing. Vests, jackets with tails, and top hats are common for the men. Pants almost always have suspenders. Plain dresses or dark slacks for the women. They speak with a Modern Earth Cockney accent.
Dale (Human)
The Dale is located on the richest farmland in all of the realm. Understandably, the people of the Dale are mostly farmers and herdsmen. Most of the realm’s agricultural food products come from the Dale as well as its supplies of meat and poultry.
The people of the Dale are well-known for their archery. The weapon of choice is a wooden bow engraved with animals, plants, or woodland scenes.
A bow is 50 inches in size.
The people of the Dale wear cotton shirts with full sleeves that tie or lace on the neck. Sometimes they wear plain tunics. Their breeches are homespun and simple with leather boots or shoes. Armless vests that button up the front and hang down to the thighs are common, as well as short hooded capes, known as mantels. Their clothing is generally brown or green in color.
Giovy (Human)
The Giovys have been called a laughing people, a dancing people, a trickster people and a wandering people. They regard themselves as a free people. Aside from the stereotypes, Giovy are nomadic merchants and entertainers. They travel the realm in caravans of brightly painted wagons selling wares and entertaining wherever they go.
The traditional weapon of the Giovy is a saber, a sword with a slight curved blade and a brightly colored cross guard, grip, and pommel.
A sword is 30 – 40 inches in total length with a 5 – 6 inch hand grip. Curves weapons are allowed 1 curve.
The Giovy must wear colorful, often clashing, clothing with lots of jingling jewelry, and bells. They speak with a Modern Earth Russian Accent.
Highlander (Human)
Highlanders are humans who live in the high mountains north of Holt. Highlanders are very proud people, and their kinship ties are very important. One’s clan is traced through the parents, and an individual views himself as part of several different family units.
The claymore is a war sword with a long straight blade, a cross guard perpendicular to the blade, and the clan name etched into the blade by the handle. This is the chosen weapon of Highland’s heros and is often passed down through generations.
A war sword is used 1 or 2 handed. They are 35 – 45 inches in total length with a 10 – 12 inch hand grip.
All Highlanders wear kilts and light colored shirts. They speak with a Modern Earth Scottish accent.
Holt (Human)
The people of the Holt dwell in the northernmost of the Five Kingdoms. Throughout their history they have faced constant attacks from the Orcs, aggressive sea raiding from Asgarn, and frequent guerilla attacks from the Highlands. As a result Holt is a strong militaristic society whose people dwell in fortified cities.
Massive fortifications keep the cities of Holt safe from Orc attacks and Highlander uprisings. Each family owns a catapult that they maintain and operate in times of need. They bring their catapults to the walls of their town to add to the ones stationed on the walls by the local garrison. Almost every person is trained to operate the catapults that are mounted on these fortifications. The cultural weapon is a catapult prominently engraved with the family name.
A catapult is at least 50 inches long and 35 inches wide that stands at least 35 inches off the ground.
The men of Holt generally wear shirts and breeches. They often wear plate armor (especially breastplates) even to social functions. The women of Holt wear long dresses with wide sleeves. They speak with a Modern Earth German accent.
Kell (Human)
The Kells dwell on the beautiful Isle of Kell, which is an eternally green, seemingly magical place of bubbling brooks, rolling green meadows, flowing mists, cool rain, and hilltops ringed by standing stones. The Isle of Kell is not a land of monetary wealth, but its people possess a wealth of spirit that surely outweighs their meager financial situation. The Kells delight in dancing, singing, and other communal activities. They are a passionate people, “courageous in combat, and bolder in bed,” or so the saying goes.
The traditional weapon of the Kell is a short wooden throwing spear that resembles a thin shaft javelin. The hero’s name is written on the shaft so that kills can be claimed and honor gained.
A thin shaft javelin is 35 – 40 inches in total length, and must have either fins or a shaped head.
Kells wear colored pants and tunics. The cloth is generally striped or checkered in pattern. The hems are often trimmed in fur, embroidery is common. A woman’s tunic will generally be longer than a males. Both sexes wear torcs around their neck or arms. Kelts speak with a Modern Earth Irish accent.
Lundelle (Human)
Lundelle is called the Land of a Thousand Gods, and in many ways the statement is correct. The common folk of Lundelle enthusiastically embrace different religions.
The traditional weapon of Lundelle is the thrusting spear. These spears have a wooden shaft with handgrip near the center. The blade is attached to the wooden shaft running almost to the handgrip.
A thrusting spear is 40 – 50 inches in total length with a 5 – 6 inch centered hand grip. They have a striking head that is 6 – 8 inches long.
The people of Lundelle wear flowing robes, togas, and other gown-like clothing. When dressed for war they wear metal lamellar armor and open faced helmets that protect the cheeks.
Prenian (Human)
The Prenian are a spiritually strong and esoterically proud culture who dwell on the Great Plains located to the south of the Elder Trees Valley. They are known as independent thinkers, superb hunters, excellent trackers, and fierce fighters. Although they are primarily nomadic, they do settle in a winter camps.
The Prenian are well known for their use of a throwing axe called a tomahawk. It has a wooden handle and a metal head. The Prenian throwing axe is a large balanced throwing weapon.
Large throwing weapons are 12 – 16 inches is size.
Prenians wear buckskins or brown suede clothing. The men and women both wear pants, but women do also wear long dresses. Their clothing decorated with beads, fringe and feathers. The beads are often sewn in patterns or symbols.
Shoria (Human)
The Shorians have evolved into a culture where duty, loyalty, and honor are paramount and actions speak louder than words. Each member of the society generally knows his place and is content. Shorians value spiritual enlightenment and peace more than monetary wealth. To them, being a Samurai is no different from being a farmer, as both have its good points and bad points. Shorianss generally do not waste energy on what could be. Rather, they accept that each has his place in life and the most important thing is to seek a balance in themselves.
The Shorian war sword is a slightly curved two handed war sword with a square or round hilt. It is often called a katana or diado.
A war sword can be used 1 or 2 handed. It is 35 – 45 inches in total length with a 10 – 12 inch hand grip. A curved weapon is allowed one curve.
Shorians wear pants and shirts with overlapping flaps tied at the waist or held closed with cloth frogs.
Klactons are an insect-appearing humanoid race with a hive-oriented society. Each hive is ruled by a giant fertile Hive-Queen who lays the eggs which populate the hive. These eggs hatch into larvae which grow into the many specialized forms of Klactons. Each of these fulfills express duties in the hive and develop physical bodies suited to their tasks. There are workers, soldiers, breeders, matrons, and a host of other specialized Klactons. These Klactons do not have independent thought, but perform their hive duties instinctually as part of the hive mentality.
One form of Klacton larvae can grow into an independent being known as an evolved Klactons. Evolved Klactons are intelligent and autonomous, however, they remain emotionally tied to the hive mentality. If enough time passes an evolved Klacton will become more independent in thought and can completely separate from the hive mentality. They are usually seen as messengers between hives or explorers. Often they are sent to become Guildsmen and bring these skills back to the hive.
Klactons have an insect-like facial appearance with mandibles extending from their cheeks. Their skin is generally darkly colored with black, maroon, or dark brown tones. They have an exoskeleton of smooth chitinous material that covers their head, torso, arms and legs and supports their body. Klactons can grow this chitin exoskeleton into armor-like body pieces. Klactons usually do not wear clothing with the exception of traditional or identifying garments, such as tabards, surcoats, and apprentice robes.
The mandible can be a prosthesis attached to the cheek or built into an insect-like head covering. The head and body should be completely covered by costume that portrays an insect-like exoskeleton and there should be no areas of exposed skin. Chitin armor can be modeled to be non-sturdy or sturdy armor and must look like an outgrowth of the body. The Klacton’s exoskeleton must be exposed and visible; clothing cannot obscure their insect form.
Minotaurs are known as a proud, noble, and honorable race of explorers and travelers. Their ships call at every port and it’s not uncommon to find Minotaur trading caravans in the remotest area of the realm.
Minotaur society is very militaristic, having faced the constant threat of invasion by the Orcs throughout the age of death. They also like to travel, often as traders, and sometimes as mercenaries.
The Minotaurs are ruled by a democratic council of the leaders of each town. The towns are called barracks. The Great Rotunda is located in the heart of the Isle. The leaders of each barrack meet in the circular chamber. In the center is an arena where disputes are settled, during the meetings. All decisions are made by democratic vote.
The traditional weapon of the Minotaurs is a massive two-handed great mace with a smooth ball on the striking end of the shaft. The Minotaur great mace is called the Sojourn Mace and the ball striking head represents the world through which the Minotaur hero will journey.
A great mace is 45 – 55 inches in total length with a 10 – 12 inch hand grip. The striking head is 10 – 15 inches in diameter.
Minotaurs have bovine-like facial features with medium shading on the face, lighter shades on the chin, and darker shades around the nostrils. Two horns grow from either side of the head close to the temple. Their bodies are covered with fine fur that complements their facial tones.
Make-up or costume accessory is used to give exposed skin an appropriate fur-like appearance. All skin not made up should be covered with clothing. The face should be highlighted and shaded to give an overall bovine-like appearance. The horns must appear to be attached to the head so the horns are not confused with horned helmets or other costume accessories.
Despite their barbarous appearance, Orcs have a rich culture filled with stories of heroism and honor. Life as an Orc has its rules, and even if civilized men shirk from Orc custom, the rules function adequately to govern this aggressive race.
The stereotypical Orc is quick to anger and ferocious with their capacity for violence. When left to their own devices arguments are often settled by bloodshed and leadership is determined by force. Traditional Orcs value physical strength and combat prowess above all else.
Orc cities are ruled by Dreadlords. These Dreadlords often earn their place through trial by combat and hold them by military force. Each Dreadlord has a staff of Orc wise men and priests to support them. The Dreadlords have immense armies with well equipped soldiers. Each of the Dreadlords swears allegiance to the Emperor. The Emperor is nominally the strongest Orc in the realm.
The Orc axe is an double bladed axe with semicircular axe heads on both sides of the shaft.
An axe is 30 – 40 inches in total length with a 5 – 6 inch hand grip. Striking heads are 10 – 15 inches in size.
Orcs have a human facial structure with green to dark green flesh tones. Their upper cheeks, chin, and forehead are often darker than the rest of their body. Some Orcs have darker green under their eyes in the shadows of their face. Their hair is usually dark in color, with blacks and dark browns being predominant.
Make-up is used to give exposed skin their green skin tones. All skin not made up should be covered with clothing.
Pythians are lizard-humanoids which predominantly dwell in the tropical swamp called Ansaki Fens. They have developed a culture which honors learning and wisdom. Pythians value their elders by giving them a revered place in their society. Pythians are not naturally warlike, but most pythians are fiercely isolationist and repel any transgression into their lands vigorously.
The Pythians are ruled by the eldest of their people who form a village counsel. The oldest council member is the leader of the council. There is also a powerful priest class which holds sway over temples and other holy places of worship. The priest is charged with the duty of bringing forth the wisdom of the temples so that it may guide the village elders in their decisions.
The traditional weapon of the Pythian is the cutting polearm. The Pythian weapon has a wooden shaft with a thin, flat blade of forged metal on one end. The shaft is decorated with images important to them, often depicting the swamp, the night sky, or various reptiles.
Cutting polearms are 55 – 60 inches in total length with a 10 – 15 inch striking head.
Pythians have lizard-like facial features with green to lime green flesh tones. Sometimes the throat and belly drift to a green-yellow color. All skin is covered with scales. Their hair is brightly colored in shades of blue, red, yellow, or purple, which crests the top of their heads.
Make-up or costume accessory is used to give exposed skin an appropriate scale-like appearance. All skin not made up should be covered with clothing. The face should be highlighted or shaded to give an overall lizard-like appearance. A wig is recommended to give hair its proper coloring. The fine scales should be visible on the skin in the highly visible areas.
Rakkarins are cat-humanoids. Their bodies are covered with various fur patterns depending on their particular species.
While most Rakkarin dwell nomadically on the vast plains, a number of the larger prides have founded cities. Though many are small, often no more than villages they serve as a unifying force throughout the land of the Rakkarrins.
In traditional Rakkarin culture a pride is essentially a group of mothers, daughters, and sisters, plus their cubs. The females do not flock to the male that is strongest. Rather, the males come to them to prove their worth and fight for the right to have their offspring born of the pride that the females have built.
The duties of child rearing naturally fall to the females, as do those of hunting. Females are therefore very deadly, physically capable creatures, working as a unit to take down prey much larger than themselves.
When a male takes dominance of a pride of females, he serves the purpose of protecting the pride’s hunting territory from competitors. The male of the pride changes from time to time as challenges are won and lost. The male can often be seen wandering the pride lands to patrol the territory.
Rakkarin are often light travelers, and they generally prefer easily concealable weapons. When they were hunted by the Orcs they took to carrying a needle sharp dart which could be easily poisoned. The Rakkarin throwing dart is a small balanced thrown weapon. Poisoning is not as common these days. The dart has become the preferred hunting weapon for small game and almost every child learns how to throw this weapon.
A small throwing dart is 4 – 8 inches in length.
Rakarrins have cat-like facial features with the protruding shape and the coloring of a feline mouth and nose. Their skin is fur-covered with colors and patterns dependent on the species of cat, such as tiger, leopard, and even calico cat.
Make-up or costume accessory is used to give exposed skin an appropriate fur-like appearance. All skin not made up should be covered with clothing. The face should be highlighted and shaded to give an overall cat-like appearance. The hair is fully covered with fur the pattern that complements the face and matches the body. If ears are covered the costume may add appropriate feline ears.
Weetles are nimble and dexterous humanoid beings, with shiny black noses and whiskers on an otherwise human looking face, and extending from their lumbar region is a long vestigial tail. Weetles generally have an inquisitive, easy-going nature. They, for the most part, feel the constant fighting for wealth, land, and pride is silly.
Most Weetles live in small communities where everyone knows each other. These communities are called shires.
Weetles enjoy traveling and love adventures. They are natural explorers and spelunkers. Their spirits remain high even in the most adverse conditions, because they understand that getting to a place is at least half of the fun.
While Weetles enjoy traveling, they love coming home just as much. Most Weetles, when they come of age, make their first journey from the Hallow Hills into the wide world. This journey is symbolizing of achieving adulthood and when they return they will build their own nest in the shire.
The traditional weapon of the Weetles is the Weetle slingshot. The slingshot is made entirely of wood and decorated with shiny disks, squares, or beads. Weetles prefer shooting small pebbles picked up from the meandering brooks of the Hollow Hills.
A slingshot is “y” shaped and at least 10 inches tall from the base to the top of the forks.
Weetles have human facial structure with human-like flesh tones and hair coloring. They have shiny black noses, whiskers, and a tail extending from the base of the spine.
Make-up is used to make the black nose. Whiskers can be drawn on the face or made through the use of prosthesis. The fur-covered tail is at least 18 inches long and is always visible.


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